Posted about 2 years ago in ADVOCACY
Dear NDNA Members,
HB 1121, the Healthcare Worker Assault Bill, will be voted on soon – possibly Wednesday (Jan 11) fternoon. This bill equalizes the penalties for assaulting a healthcare worker in a healthcare setting. Currently, it is a class C felony to knowingly assault a healthcare worker, but ONLY in a hospital emergency room. HB 1121 would include healthcare workers throughout a healthcare facility.
Please email your two district Representatives and ask them to vote YES on HB 1121. Be sure to mention you are a nurse and that you live in their district.
To find your district Representatives, click here. Type in your house number and ZIP code, click “Search.” Scroll down the list to your street and click on the small people icon. You’ll see your district number, your two Representatives and your Senator. Click on the Representatives’ names to see their email addresses.
Feel free to use the below sample message to send to your Representatives. Modify it to personalize it.
Subject: HB 1121 – Healthcare Worker Assaults
Dear Representative __________,
I have been a nurse in (town) for ## years. The number and severity of assaults in our workplace is rising quickly and we need your help.
(Note - If you have a personal experience with an assault incident, please share that. It will mean even more!)
As a resident of your district, I am asking you to please vote yes on HB 1121 to help protect the nurses in our community and around the state.
Thank you for your consideration.
_______________(list your credentials)
(town), ND
District ##