**Opportunity to Participate in a Study about Vaccine Promotion for the Nursing Profession**

Posted almost 2 years ago in SURVEY

You are invited to participate in a survey to assess vaccine knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions of nursing faculty, nursing students, and practicing nurses across North Dakota. A broad range of viewpoints are welcome to help to develop evidence-based strategies to increase vaccine knowledge within all levels of the nursing profession. This survey is being conducted through North Dakota State University (NDSU) at the Center for Immunization Research and Education (CIRE).

The survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. The survey will remain open for a few weeks to provide adequate time for participation. Reminder emails will be sent out to encourage participation. 

To complete the online survey, simply click on the link below or scan the QR code:


Following completion of the survey, there is an opportunity for you to provide your name and email address to participate in a follow up focus group. These focus groups will be conducted at a convenient day and time for you and are completely voluntary. Please consider participating in both the survey and the focus group. 

Thank you for your assistance with understanding the important knowledge of nurses and nursing students of North Dakota.

Dr. Abigail Burkett Vetter, DNP, APRN, CPNP-AC/PC

Nicole Hatzenbuhler, MSN, RN

Dr. Mary Larson, Ph. D, MPH

Dr. Sharon Nelson, Ph. D RN

Kaitlin Schmitz, MPH, RN

North Dakota State University

Center for Immunization Research and Education


Only active members can comment on this announcement.

To inquire about membership, please contact us.