Want to Make Your Nursing Voice Heard? Get Published in The North Dakota Nurse!

Posted about 1 year ago in North Dakota Nurse


The editor of our quarterly publication, The North Dakota Nurse, cordially invites you to submit content related to nursing on a broad spectrum of topics for inclusion in the newsletter. Nurses are highly encouraged to contribute to the betterment of the field by submitting evidence-based articles, but we also welcome submissions from anyone. 

If you have an article idea but feel uncertain about how or where to start, please do not hesitate to reach out to Sherri Miller for assistance - director@ndna.org.

To ensure inclusion in the newsletter, please note:
*Send articles to director@ndna.org

*Articles should be in Microsoft Word

*Articles sent should have the words “North Dakota Nurse Article” in the email subject line

*Articles should have a title

*Author’s name(s) with credentials and title should be listed at the top of the first page


Only active members can comment on this announcement.

To inquire about membership, please contact us.